

1991 September
News in Brief
WriteNow spun out to software start-up
Unbundling leaves WordPerfect in a 'wait and see' mode
NeXT takes low profile at Siggraph
Macintosh emulation nears
Sun, SGI go downscale on workstations
NEWS ANALYSIS: Apple/IBM agreement puts NeXT in a quandary
BUSINESS NEWS: Sales gain in Q2
NeXT shifts sales groups
L.A. Sheriff, DARPA on NeXT list
Bumper crop in the Ukraine
Now, even Sullivan is plunging into color

1991 October
News in Brief
Chip choice weighed for new systems
DTP vacuum to be filled
Book 'em, Dano: NeXT gains sales in station houses and trading floor
NeXT prepares to ship GNU source code
INTERVIEW: Jonathan Seybold
Partnership programs consolidated
VCs back NeXT projects
The spinners
Sullivan bound for San Jose despite Agency cuts

1991 December
News in Brief
Jobs discloses plans for IPO; lays off 30
Canon color printer engine may be NeXT-bound
NeXT stepping over to 486-based machines
OOP vendors prep for battle
RightBrain prepares four utilities
New books from Addison-Wesley
WSJ ads test OOP strategy
Expo registration opens
NeXT gets high marks among education users
'Deep' encounter in a DC parking garage

1992 January (NeXT Expo)
Expo rallies NeXT market for a big year, new products
Abacus ships Mac emulator
Next shifts dealer strategy
NeXTstep '486: Get ready!
Hayes unveils low-cost ISDN
MIX connects up NeXT
Axsys delivers NeXT accounting
First 3-D CAD on the horizon
Expo Highlights and Fun Facts
Expo freebies
Getting there
The Question Man: What are you hoping to see at NeXTWORLD Expo?
Atherton plans Expo launch of news software
OOP modeler targets CFOs
SQL tool beefs DBMS options
Competition hits close to home for Sullivan

1992 Spring
Data Dashboards
REVIEWS: MediaStation

1992 March
News in Brief
NeXT deals on 25MHz Color Stations
NeXT buyers become sellers
NeXT launches CD-ROM promo
DTP "engine" proposed
Mud flies in Sun-NeXT skirmish
PREVIEW: A first look at NeXTstep 3.0
Music Kit unbundled from NeXTstep 3.0
Fast start for Frame IPO
Jobs designed own visual aids
NeXT Europe ousts Wegbrans
Sales Watch
NeXT factory gets new robots
Third-party developers describe "spotty" relations
Graphisoft readies TopCAD version for NeXT
Paget Press launches CD-ROM
Top buyers plan user group
NeXT Publishing Alliance formed
Fast talking keeps Guru's cover secure

1992 May
News in Brief
Slugfest at SunWorld Expo
Jobs endorses Perot campaign
Boss Logic changes course
New prez backs vision
NeXT delivers Turbo Cube sans optical
Complaints rising on fax modem
NEXTSTEP 3.0 schedule in doubt as beta ships late
NeXT-ready scanners breaking out all over
IPT software lets NeXT act as a Macintosh file server
'Ship it,' developers say
NeXT gets a capital idea
North America buoys NeXT first-quarter sales
Lotus, SBC/OC team up on real-time financial software
NeXT going to races
Sales Watch
Imagine offers authoring tool
Dev camp goes east in Trirex deal
NeXT helping disabled
RightBrain ships code
Looking for love in all the wrong places

1992 Summer
News in Brief
CeBIT draws biggest-ever NeXT crowd
Mesa reads 1-2-3 files, macros
NeXT names new president
MIPS fall where they may
Shakeup in Europe
ANALYSIS: Higher ed still a NeXT priority
Appsoft plans blitz
Adams hopes for profits by fall
NPA evokes mixed developer reactions
Sales Watch
Ditek readies NeXT port of DynaCADD 3-D software
NeXT gets Informix RDBMS
Sully ponders new ports in the storm

1992 Summer
REVIEWS: Screen Savers, Dock Extenders, NeXTstep '486
Born to Code
Resident Artistry
Technology Czar
Point of order
Hot topics and goings-on in the NeXT user community
REVIEWS: Lighthouse Design's Concurrence
HOW TO: Exporting from DataPhile
HOW TO: Hints and Tips: Illustrator 3.0, Concurrence, Appsoft Draw, DataPhile, Create 1.1, WriteNow
HOW TO: NeXT Question
HOW TO: Using NeXTstep's Defaults System
HOW TO: NeXT Question
HOW TO: Developer Hints and Tips
ISDN Comes of Age
What's the "D" Stand For?
Lip Service
REVIEWS: PixelMagician
REVIEWS: SoundBursts
REVIEWS: Cub'X Window 2.01
REVIEWS: Lotus Improv 1.0, PowerStep, Create 1.0, Diagram 1.1, 3270Vision 2.130, SoftPC 2.5
COMPOSITION: Getting With the Program
Press Clips
New in Shrink Wrap
REVIEWS: Simon Says
REPORTS: Big base, big plans
Mixed environments
REVIEWS: utilities

1992 June
News in Brief
Release of Draw gives Appsoft stronger hold
Groundbreaking due for NeXT port of SimCity
'486 makers eye video spec
Motorola looks to 68060 chip
NeXT ships 3.0 beta
NeXT licenses NetInfo; hopes to standardize mixed nets
SBook tracks contacts
'486 marketing gears up
ElectroFile, InSession out the door
IPO groundwork heats up
NeXT Events
Appsoft ramping up after venture capital infusion
Neuron dark for six weeks
NEXTSTEP 3.0's encryption poses questions
Chicago floods send traders packing
British scientists turn to NeXTs, Cray to prove prime number
Sun hits NeXT's entry point
All's fair in love, war and politics

1992 August
News in Brief
Calc battle looming
Archetype expands NeXT DTP strategy
NeXT gets customer feedback
Data General turns to NeXT
Race is on to exploit 3-D
XEvents brings IAC to heterogeneous networks
NeXT-to-Windows porting eased
Imagine to deliver midrange multimedia presentation app
DB Inspector comes from Black Market
NeXT pitches feds with support for POSIX, GOSIP
Customers favor Auspex
Vertex does DL one better
Lotus, O'Connor team for Realtime
Corks pop for long-awaited apps
Cornell backs away from NeXT, cites lack of resources
School district tops list of buyers
Faster bit-mapping added to NEXTSTEP 3.0
Beans spilled in help-wanted ad
New credit line: $65M
NeXT gains in workstation market share
NeXT finally joins OMG consortium
NPE controversy receding
Coast swing turns up kinder, gentler NeXT

1992 August
New Flurry of Output Options
NeXT Targets Corporate Design
Strategic Direction: Shrinkwrap or Objects?
At Last: NeXT Publishing Arrives
Hot Software for Layout, Retouching, and Illustration
Business Watch
Behind the scenes with our savvy rumormonger

1992 September
News in Brief
OO database in store
NeXT sharpens sales focus
Panel proves objects are for throwing
NeXT to charge developers
Support for chunking, C++ among hidden features in 3.0
Xerox will be OCR ported to NeXT
NSA allows encryption
Conextions extends tools for mainframe connectivity
Archetype tuning up Doc Engine
NeXT's hat in ring in gubernatorial race
Perot's pullout sinks hopes for campaign run on NeXTs
Suite goes cross-platform
Kit translates text to speech
Catalog's object: Define new market for software modules
ObjectWare offerings cover the bases
Objects open to interpretation
Noteworthy morning for Jobs and company

1992 Fall
REVIEWS: NeXT Color Printer
Right-hand Man
NeXT Forecaster
The Object Game
Media Maker
Hot topics and goings-on in the NeXT user community
Sourcing It Out
EDITORIAL: Rising Tide
Mission Control
HOW TO: Steve Jobs Keynote with Concurrence
NeXT Question
Hints and Tips: Concurrence, Diagram, Create, Workspace
Detecting and Handling a Break-in
Hints and Tips: Backup Strategies, Safety first
NeXT Question
Lip Service
REVIEWS: ElectroFile 1.02
Press Clips
New in Shrink Wrap
Mexican Revolution: ITESM
NeXT South of the Border
NeXT User Profile
Graphical Dreamer

1992 November
News in Brief
NeXT nails big clients with hardware, '486
Appsoft readies full line
Poised to publish
NEXTSTEP 3.0 bugs trouble developers
NeXT sets server strategy with industry partnership
Color displays upgraded
3.0 Sound Kit extends NeXT lead in digital audio
Third parties lead NeXT into audio market
RDR targets presentations
Radiant drives expand optical storage options
Taking advantage of NeXTSTEP 3.0
Prices slashed on ED floppies
NeXT color printer in bloom
Programmers get graphics help from Display PostScript kit
NeXT's ship comes in on wave of publishing products
Third-party 3-D-ware adds depth to NeXT graphics
RightBrain tries October surprise
NeXT may lose its advantage as SGI, Sun press publishing
Mail patent fight brewing
NeXT to keep its numbers private
NeXT exec door keeps revolving
Oracle users take a look at Jobs, NeXT
Pencom offers peaceful coexistence
Test challenges NeXT users
NeXT training to cover new ground in software group
Reported bugs in Release 3.0
Sullivan tries smart drinks at Stone's rave

1992 Winter
News in Brief
New keyboard, mouse ready to play on Turbo
ODI prepares to conquer NeXT world
'486 options broaden
NPE takes hold
Users ready to go with 3.0
French CAD to woo NeXT 3-D designers
Stations use Turbo chipset
Mesa begins calculations
SNMP tools ready to network
Boss comes back with 2.0
Upstart creates remote NeXTs
Cuilla Martin updates utilities
Object Store cuts app size
Versant ports OO database
Canon Color coming soon
Morgan drops NeXT
To the Editor: Sullivan botched it

1992 Winter
REVIEWS: Mesa, SBook, PasteUp,
Lone Wolf
Frequent Flyer
Group Dynamics
Three-part Harmony
Air Play
Hot topics and goings-on in the NeXT user community
DEVELOPER CAMP: Tales from the Crypt
REVIEWS: Fax products
Clinical Trials
HOW TO: Upgrading System Memory
HOW TO: Hints and Tips on Upgrade3.0.app, DataPhile 1.0, Diagram 1.1, WriteNow 2.0, WordPerfect 1.0.1
HOW TO: NeXT Question
HOW TO: Using 3.0's Drag-and-Drop Facility
HOW TO: Hints and Tips on move apps from NS 2.1 to NS 3.0
Lip service
REVIEWS: MetroTools
REVIEWS: RollerMouse Trackball
REVIEWS: Redmark
Ergo Style
Repetitive Stress Injury
NeXT Has Two Messages: Real Objects Now. Interoperable Objects Soon.
Object Laggards
The OO-Language Wars
Press Clips
New in Shrink Wrap
Mass Communication
Union Bank of Switzerland Securities goes global
Alain Pinel builds modules and bridges
L.A. County Sheriff tightens its belt
Hey Mac, Stop the Presses
Modularity is NeXT's publishing advantage
Technology is great, but people buy products
Tools of the Trade
Worth the Wait?
Publishing Products
Open Horizons
REVIEWS: Virtuoso

1993 January
News in Brief
Expo set for May in S.F.
Big sites tell concerns at ProNeXT meet
Sales VP departs NeXT
'486 hardware partners show up at Comdex
Jobs takes shots at Windows
'486 motherboards need direct access to video
PasteUp 1.1 fixes bugs
SoftPC Professional does Windows
Diagram2 boosts usability with improved interface
IPO timing in question
HSD ships international spell checker
NeXT challenged by SPARCclassic
NeXT hooks into European server
While-you-were-out messaging checks in
Xanthus puts biz graphics on the charts
Sullivan reminded that 'loose lips sink ships'

1993 February
News in Brief
Black box in the works for NS '486
Big demand for contractors
Hardware taking back seat?
NeXT posts modest gain
NeXT eyes alliances with workstation vendors
DBKit adaptor for flat files permits rapid prototypes
Versant, IP ship database tools
Gateway to mainframe data
Reporting apps track calls to tech support
NeXT customer Phibro downsizes, leaving software spin-off in lurch
VAD adds European support
Health care partners named
ETI's Birds of Europe lands on CD-ROM
NeXT called in on Canon's magic carpet

1993 March
News in Brief
NeXT turns to software strategy
NeXT promises '040 support
Fade to white: Road ends for NeXT hardware vision
'486 support growing
Canon to buy NeXT factory, design center
NeXTSTEP for Intel set for shipment at Expo
NeXTSTEP authoring for CD-I
Goldleaf ships tools for prepress
Linotype builds flats under NeXTSTEP
CD-ROM collections appear
Second fax driver for NeXTSTEP available
NoteBook, Diagram! 2 ship
Law firm likes NeXTSTEP's flexible hardware options
Pinnacle Research makes splash with sysadmin and graphics tools
Developers face cash-flow crunch
NeXT's new financial model
Top customers back move
Hardware was great while it lasted
Reaction from around the NeXT community
Strong sales, first profit were too little, too late
Music Kit encore ships from Stanford
Photo CD for NS 4.0
DataPhile: The fix is in
ScreenCast takes center stage
PS utilities from Italy
OOOS market to grow
Downsizing trend going too far, Sullivan says

1993 April-May
Painful Transition
Pages' Big Gamble
'486 Under the Hood
New in Shrinkwrap
COMMENTARY: Great Expectations
Vivid Imagination
Graphics in Store
Peace Dividend: NeXT services
Camera Shy: On the net
DEVELOPER CAMP: Value Versus Price
REVIEWS: Diagram!2
EDITORIAL: Black Tuesday
White Hardware
Black Software
'486 Portables Will Take NeXTSTEP on the Road
Porting NeXTSTEP Programs
Computer Dating
REVIEWS: Fiscal Dimension 1.0
Lip Service
NeXT INK: Business Case
REVIEWS: NoteBook 1.1
REVIEWS: PasteUp 1.1
REVIEWS: HSD Spell, SoundHouse, VirtSpace 3.0, Desktop v1.1, Wacom Digitizing Tablet, PageChain, ArtBursts: Icons+, Dark Forest
Bronx Up, Battery Down
REVIEWS: Virtuoso 1.0

1993 June-July
News in Brief
NeXTSTEP 3.1 release near final
Intel-based products make European debut at CeBIT
PCs make Expo premiere
NeXT not ready to be COSE
Canon talks continue
SQL server options expand
Conextions objects for 3270 links
NeXTSTEP plays HyperCard
Stone upgrades Create to 3.0
MindShare provides a fix for information junkies
CAD Academy opens
Goldleaf turns to tech docs
'486 developer offerings ready
Fast puts video on screen
Decision making made easier
Systemhouse focuses object vision with new NeXTSTEP tech center
Reaction to hardware loss mixed
VARS ready to find new markets
Customers still committed
Board of Directors
New NeXT org chart looks lean and mean
Appsoft gets tough
Designated drivers from Pencom
Rumor or reality? Sitting here in limbo

1993 September
News in Brief
NeXT extends eval kit offer
NeXT stop: The Big Apple
Easier setup on tap for 3.2
NS strategy differs for Epson, NEC
PRODUCTS: DTP thrives despite shift
OTI seeks to Impress
New backup security
Smart OCR scans alone
SSS makes a strong case for ObjectWare
WhiteLight gets brighter
Accounting suite ships
Dev tool
Health market check-up
ProNeXT wants SoftPC
COSE specs
The world according to Weiss
Simon Says finds new voice with Metrosoft
Down in the dumps with Lt. Sullivan

1993 September
The Big Deal: Enterprise partnership
New in Shrinkwrap
Asset Management
Black Was Beautiful
Developer Camp: First Impressions
Bright Lights, Small City
REVIEWS: Engage! Desktop 2.0
REVIEWS: eXTRASET 1.1 with Goldleaf Imagesetters
Installation Blues: NEXTSTEP 3.1 '486
Rating the speed
Take the Bus
Lip Service
NeXT INK: Prevent Defense
REVIEWS: IconMaker, Trilithon ViewFont, FontCase, MacToPfa, DateWise Version 1.0, Smart-UPS, Pro Lexis Version 1.1a
REVIEWS: Screen Machine II
REVIEWS: TaskMaster 1.0
Baby, Can You Drive My PC?

1993 October
News in Brief
New life for surplus printers
Black box or Mac box?
NEXTSTEP sales starting to build
Adobe levies PS tax
SoftPC gets speed boost
Millennium prepares Newsgrazer for pros
Ridgeback ships SNMP net manager
Easy mail
Show and tell with screen recorder
New features for DataPhile 2.0
Natives are restless
Pages nears finish line
Abbott puts OE concepts in medical-lab system
Swiss biz apps ship
Dev journal starting up
Math tool
NS history, future at SIGGRAPH
Read-maybe CDs fog NS
New dev registration, consultant programs
NS mingles in mergers
Next-day service
ISV drought ending?
Dave Peter returns to HSD
Is it soup yet? Lt. Sullivan takes a sip

1993 October
REVIEWS: NEXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and Applications, NEXTSTEP Programming Step One: Object-Oriented Applications
REVIEWS: Box Score
Retooling Software: Object repository
New in Shrinkwrap
Risk Manager
Object Where?
The Music Never Stopped
Lead Infiltrators
Peripheral Concerns: On the Net
Developer Wish List
REVIEWS: mix 2.0
REVIEWS: PapyrusForms 1.0.1
REVIEWS: Partner 1.17
Reviews: Barron's Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms, Oxford Reference Dictionary of Computing, Hacker's Lexicon, ImageIt 1.0, Mesa Sunrise 1.5, MetroTools 2.1, Rocks! 1.8
Homer on The Range

1993 November
News in Brief
Factory going, going, gone
Top accounting firm picks NeXT objects
Developer meet set for DC
Jobs, in Europe, hints at product futures
Two developers bow out
NCR adapter opens world of powerful processing
Sarrus upgrades apps
Dow Jones news reader
Cub'x offers API
Smartsoft sets time
New LaserJet driver
Kit models systems
NS/FIP reported running on host of non-Intel chips
GS, Visus offer apps for character recognition
Val Verde rounds out its system
WilTel turns on switches
ScanKit adds Fujitsu support
Mesa adapter
UNIX vendors seek common API
Electronic alternative
Translating in conText
Ciusa targets low-end WP
Continental bundles development tools
NeXT targets midsize systems integrators
Pollak files motion in copyright case
NeXT enters Mid East
GS Corp goes for gold with reseller program
PDO for HP demoed at UNIX Expo
Secret talks in the land of midnight sun?

1993 November
REVIEWs: CheckSum
COMMUNITY: "Alive and Well"
From Kernel to Interface
Ten Most Wanted
From Down Under to Everywhere
New in Shrinkwrap
Big Fish
Evolutionary Man
To the Source: On the net
The NEXTSTEP Bandwagon
Critical Success
REVIEWs: Connect It!
Good Morning, Sarajevo!
REVIEW: Dots 3.4.1
EDITORIAL: Stuff of Dreams
Start Your Engines Database servers drive the enterprise; your mileage may vary
Vying for pole position
The NEXTSTEP Connection
More Adapters on the Way
REVIEWs: Foundation Classes 1.0
Lip Service
Some Assembly Required
REVIEWS: LoadEye 1.1, DragBook 1.0, Ikegami Monitor
REVIEWS: SoundWorks 3.0
New Kid in Town
REVIEWS: TIFFany II, WetPait 1.2

1993 December
News in Brief
WordPerfect pulls plug on future NS support
Two writes, one wrong
Canon settlement complete
Prime time for 3.2
New DBKit on deck
Dazzling charting packages coming on line
Slides from images in any application
Create 2.0 offers new text effects, more speed
AppWrapper #3 ships
InTouch addresses Rolodex market
NEXTSTEP feeds Dow Jones appetite
Book takes harsh view of NeXT
COSE issues desktop specification
HSD back to future
First-level support
WilTel, NeXT in technology dispute
Fly-boy lands at ITS
Hardware vendors up offerings for 3.2
Companies go after Image market
Calling all droids: Lt. Sullivan needs help

1993 December
REVIEWS: Workstation 2000 W2000-PGX02
Three Scotts and a Duane
Communication and Collaboration
New in Shrinkwrap
Smooth Segue
Friendly Fire
Black Market :On the net
Build Better Objects
EDITORIAL: The Shirts Off Their Backs
Phase Changes
Lip Service
REVIEWS: NetWatch 1.0
Stross's Big Thing
REVIEWS: PasteUp 2.1
REVIEWS: QuantaFlow 1.1
REVIEWS: TaskMaster 1.5, SuperDebugger 3.6, conText 1.0, BarCodeKit 2.0, DiskMaker 1.5
NeXT and the Single Guy

1994 January
News in Brief
NeXT takes object story to Comdex
A giant step for NeXT-kind: SunSoft adopts NeXT objects
NeXT woos developers
Alliance sets object standard
NS gets visualization tool
Printer Works ships first NEXTSTEP models
Dolphin manages docs
WriteUp will support WordPerfect files
Low-cost databases with IXAdaptor
Graphics punch for Intel
Lighthouse revs apps
Object Channel picks up members
Dealer dry spell
Catalog puts spotlight on health care
SCO pro takes helm of NeXT services business
ITS porting OpenMail
New corporate user group takes shape
D.C. meeting ready, SF show set
Sullivan's mouth closed over OpenStep
Canon nabs Epson execs

1994 February
News in Brief
Lighthouse snares code for expanded app suite
HP station to set mark
Object war escalates
GS spearheads grass-roots coalition for publishing
Dell gears up NeXT line
Expanded driver support
co-Xist boosts speed
Lexar joins Intel fray
Neural net models choices
WhiteLight nabs bugs
China opens to NS
NeXT names new user liaison
Dutch reseller tries ambitious marketing
Alembic ups offerings
Wiser SunSoft is proud to be your Bud

1994 February
Managing Training
NeXT Certified Training Partners
Black Gold
New in Shrinkwrap
Break the Mold
Ten Most Wanted
Cogito, ErgoSun: On the Net
Manifest Destiny: User Group News
From A to "zgrep"
EDITORIAL: Environmental Movement
Sun and NeXT (Part 1): throw open the doors to industry-standard object-oriented computing
Sun and NeXT (Part 2): Technical Implications
Sun and NeXT (Part 3): Industry Implications
Sun and NeXT (Part 4): Bud Tribble Explains It All
Lip Service
Genre crossing
Start Now!
REVIEWS: TimeFlies 1.8, Programming Under Mach, FSPreferences, Monitor Saver

1994 March
News in Brief
NS takes financial risc
Jobs: NeXT "racehorse" has legs for long haul
NeXT, Sun unveil strategy
NS for newcomers
HP covering its object bases
CCSI forms new group, targets NS workstations
Indexing Kit bugs bite DataPhile users
WriteUp yet to ship
Sarrus pencils in developers with API
Dream comes true for Quix Computerware
Mesa tuned for multiple platforms
Phibro system spurs NS sales
Cub'X gets new name, home
NeXT reopens office in France
Swedish VAR goes to bank
Dev partner head named
Cose efforts slowed?
Sullivan rolls out carpet for visiting NeXT crowd
Pangea sends NeXT mail

1994 March
Finding a Systems Integrator
Object Channel firms
New in Shrinkwrap
The Sun Also Rises
Work Processing
E Pluribus Unum: On the Net
Manifest Destiny
Windows Watching
Summary of reviews since the Summer 1992
EDITORIAL: Pilgrim's Progress
Lip Service
Chinese Menu
A Magical Connection?
REVIEWS: Defying Gravity, The Making of Newton
Focus on the Forest
Monitor Importance
Box Score Developer
All Good Data Needs A Great Safety Net

1994 April
News in Brief
Jobs scenario: 1million seats by end of 1996
Color portables come into view
PDO finds new homes
Son of DBKit is born
Pages breaks WP mold
Training trainers
NEXTSTEP goes on the air with FeedBuilder/M
Virtuoso 2.0 ropes in new feature set
Apps provide more options for NS telecommunications
WatchMe cuts user-training costs
Emerald brings new facets to image editing
New image for RDR
StayInTouch 2.01 ships
First steps for OpenStep
More support from among Big 6 firms
NeXT runs for border
Technology key in world of spy versus spy

1994 April
Chaos or Control?
New in Shrinkwrap
Brave New Worlds: On the Net
Talent Spin-off
Cogito, Ergo Sun: On the Net
REVIEWS: Complete Access 1.0b5 (beta)
REVIEWS: Daydream (beta)
Trapped in A Time Warp
EDITORIAL: Managed Competition
REVIEWS: Espresso! Developer
Open Door Policy
Japanese Software for NEXTSTEP
Lip Service
Spring Training
First NeXT RISC Workstation
Eight Bit Wonder
Don't Tread On Us
REVIEWS: Pentium (66 MHz and 90 MHz)
REVIEWS: Advance 2000 NeP5-ADS
REVIEWS: Pars International BarracudaDX2
REVIEWS: StringKit 1.2a, Crash Catcher 1.1, Doom 1.2, ArtFonts, CoolFonts, BrushFonts 1.0