
There are a number of people within the NeXT community who are working to modernize OPENSTEP's BSD underpinnings. I'm grateful to be able to provide links to their efforts as this is an area of NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP that is outside of my expertise.

At this time I'm proud to be able to link to a page of updated Unix apps for OPENSTEP 4.2 (for Intel) that is being maintained by Markus Schmidt. These packages are gifts to the community (not professional software, and come with no guarantees). To discuss any of this software with the developer or to find if new software has been released since this page was last updated, check this thread at openstep.se forums.
I'll keep a list of the packages he has available here (and keep it updated as the selection grows) and as others in the community put up download pages like Markus' page, I'll add them to this page.


fping 2.4b2
GNU m4 1.4.3
GNU Patch 2.5.4
Less 3.8.2
Libxmi 1.2
Zlib 1.2.3

I'd like to thank Michael Wheeler for making his hard work available for this page. As I get the chance, I'll provide a mirror for these packages and I'll add links as Michael's work progresses.
As with Markus' packages, these are for OPENSTEP 4.2 (on Intel) and gifts to the community (not professional software, and come with no guarantees). To discuss any of this software with the developer or to find if new software has been released since this page was last updated, check this thread at openstep.se forums.







To help with opening these packages I'm providing a link to Scott Anguish's OpenUp application.
